I'm not sure that most women know that the change is coming. Most women aren't even quite sure the change has arrived as they stand motionless in the eye of their own hurricane. Oddly enough, those dear men who accompany us through life and who we claim are oblivious to feminine needs are aware of the change the very minute our hormones start to do their wicked dance.

I admit I was oblivious. I knew something was not quite right. I thought I was sick. My brain was not functioning as normal. It's as if people were talking to me and I was absorbing the information through cotton candy. I felt slightly feverish. "Surely I must be coming down with something," I thought.

It can't be menopause. I'm not sweating profusely in bed. I had experienced a hot flash or two over the years but nothing significant. Menopause is supposed to be loaded with countless nights of changing nightgowns. I was in the clear - or so I thought.

I believe you're peri-menopausal. Dr. O'Brien peered at me down his nose and through horn-rimmed reading glasses. That was a new one. "What's peri-menopause?" I asked. "Well that's the time before menopause when a woman starts to feel mild hormonal changes resulting in cloudy thinking and feelings of warmth accompanied by stress and irritability."

Still not convinced that I could have a pinky over the other side, I asked, "But how can you be sure that I'm peri-menopausal?" In professional knee-jerk authority he responded, "Do you know who Perry Como is?"

Perry Como - the American crooner, the hearthrob of the 50s and beyond, the crooner, the recording artist, , the television star, that handsome hunk. I responded, "Yes". And with that the deal was sealed.

I drove home realizing I reached the summit. I had that one pinky over the line. I tried to cheer myself up by humming a tune - a rendition of "Jingle Bells" - as only Perry Como would have sung it.

For any artist, having a song on the soundtrack of any of the Twilight films is a huge deal, but for 'Jar of Hearts' singer Christina Perri that may be an understatement. Her ballad 'A Thousand Years' was chosen to be a part of the franchise's latest soundtrack.

But for Christina Perri this is more than just a career achievement. She happens to be a 'twihard' herself and has the tattoo to prove it! She told MTV News, "Yes, I am 1,000 percent a 'Twilight' fan. I can't even deny that I am actually, in fact, a Twi-Hard and have a 'Twilight' tattoo. I got a tattoo on my wrist that says 'bitten,' and it's written in the font of all the book titles. So, yes, I am of one the big, geeky fans."

Christina got a chance to see a screening of the film before writing the song. "It wasn't finished. But I still cried. Seriously, that's how good it is," she said. But Christina tried not to get too hyped as she knew there was no guarantee her track would be picked. "I tried not to get hyped out, because it's one of my favorite movies, one of my favorite books, one of my favorite soundtracks, and that could potentially freak out the little songwriter in me. So I tried to put that aside and take it one step at a time, went to see the movie and cried like a baby, because it's so good, and I felt so lucky to be there," she continued. And then went home and wrote a love song to Edward and Bella... and to have it be chosen, I'm unbelievably honored."